a1. this year (2017-2018)
a2. in any year, and what year.
a3. and of those that took such courses, how many courses were taken per year per student?
B. # of 9th graders at River Hill that took Independent Research
b1. This year
b2. Any year
C. # of 9th graders within HCPSS that took Independent Research
b1. This year
b2. Any year
D. # of HCPSS 9th graders that took college courses & how many courses per yr per student?
c1. This year
c2. in any year, and what year (# per year)
c3. how many college courses were taken per student (aggregate info: ten 9th graders took 1 course, and 2 took 2 courses, etc.)
D. And above info for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders at both RHHS, and all HS in the County.
E. in the 2017-2018 school period, how many 9th graders are there in RHHS, and across all of Howard County?
No existing student data reports identify/pull all “college-level” instruction taken by HCPSS high school students. Under the MPIA process, and as advised in the Fourteenth Edition of the Maryland Public Information Act Manual created by Maryland’s Office of the Attorney General, an agency is only obligated to produce existing records and is not required to summarize existing data or program/generate new reports that are not already used in the normal course of business. For reference, available data includes the Howard Community College report below and as previously provided for 2017 under MPIA 2018-197 which encompass several college-level enrollment options for HCPSS students.