Please note, the topic of bullying data and inconsistencies found by staff in data reports will be discussed at the upcoming April 25, 2019, Board of Education meeting under the Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Harassment Report.
Data on total bullying incident reports per school and false allegation counts as a field included as a possible Corrective Action under Maryland State Department of Education reporting guidance for SY2017, SY2018 and SY2019YTD. HCPSS has made substantial efforts to ensure the accuracy of this information; however, data collection and reporting is consistently subject to change. Please be mindful when comparing data as many variances can occur between reports based on date pulled, parameters used, categories included, etc. Additionally, please note the attached data is as currently extracted from our student data system, however all HCPSS bullying data including false allegation counts, is currently under review by staff. While the collection and processing of the reporting forms is understood to be accurate, inconsistencies have been noted between the raw data and the extracted data.