The Board memo from the Superintendent presented at the April 28, 2022 meeting provides information about the funding of special education: "We have received questions regarding the full funding of special education and the county’s press release stating that special education is fully funded. It is important to point out that what was being referenced was the $7.3 million new funding for 151 positions and other costs included in the BOE Requested Budget." However, the number of new positions in the back of the Board's proposed Operating Budget book lists 221.2 new positions in special education (see attached). I am requesting the delineation of the 151 positions.
Date Received
Response Notes
Responsive to this request, staff indicates the Board Requested FY23 Operating Budget included three priority areas with increased staffing for special education:
Maintaining and Meeting the Needs for Existing Service levels - 151.0 positions
Blueprint Expansion of PreK Services - 70.2 positions
Expansion of the Digital Education Center - 26.0 position
Total new Special Education Positions = 247.2 (please note, 221.2 does not include DEC positions)
Pages references for details to support these numbers and the position types as found in this document include:
42 - Summary Schedule of FY23 Requested New Positions
20-21 - Continuing to Advance Staffing Needs for Special Education
22 and 356 - Digital Education Center
28-29 - Early Childhood Education (PreK expansion)
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and malicious content removed at the discretion of the school
**Responses containing legally protected information available
only to the person of interest are omitted from the above
***Howard County Public Schools reserves the right to remove
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