What policy, if any, is there for maintaining any records, emails, or other documents of former employees?
What reports does HCPSS generate in relation to its special-ed, 504, and IEP students, either internal or external, formal or informal?
What internal training is there in regards to IEP regulations on both the county and individual school level, and when was it last updated?
If there is internal training materials, please provide them.
Please provide a copy of any regulations provided to IT at county and school levels that they must follow.
Due to the fact reports HCPSS generates in relation to IEPs, 504s, and special education could be created for any number of reasons our Special Education Office has been unable to locate a comprehensive list of reports typically created in the course of business. For reference, the Special Education Office annually submits a report to the Maryland State Department of Education – which can be accessed as part of their annual report on Maryland Special Education/Early Intervention Services Census Data & Related Tables, the latest from the 2016-2017 school year, found here: http://archives.marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/divisions/planningresultstest/doc/20162017Student/2016SPED.pdf.