The second accomplishment in the nomination form states: "Based on enrollment and FARMs program participation projections, this plan will have a significant impact. Thirty-three schools above the countywide average of 22.5% will see an overall decrease in their FARMs percentage as a result of these moves. Thirteen of these 33 schools will experience a 5 to 22 percentage point decrease in their FARMs rate."
I am request a list of the 13 schools that were above the county wide FARM average and will experience a 5-22% drop in FARM rate as a result of redistricting as stated in the nomination form.
Responsive to this request, FARMs data related to school boundary adjustments are available through the documents posted regarding the redistricting results in 2019. Specifically, in this final report found on our Board Docs website, the pre- and post-farms rates by school are found starting on page 6:$file/11%2021%202019%20BOE%20Adopted%20Plan%20Final%20Reports%20and%20Maps.pdf.