Current Requests

Tracking Number Sort ascending Request Status
2025-101 Good Afternoon,

Hope you are doing great!

We are requesting public records for the contract - Bid #031.24.B6 Flexible Staffing Services

Please send us the…
2025-100 Any and all documents whether stored in paper or electronic form regarding Dyslexia screening and assessments generated from July 2022 to present including but not limited to training provided to… Submitted
2025-099 Any and all documents whether stored in paper or electronic form regarding training provided to special education teachers in the use of the Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement -Fourth Edition (WJ-… Submitted
2025-098 To Whom It May Concern:
Inovo AI Solutions LLC is initiating a request Maryland Public Information Act (PIA) for all purchasing records from 07/01/2020 to date for all schools under your…
2025-097 In accordance with the Maryland Public Information Act, I am requesting the following public records:
• Documentation of a policy that directs educators how to support transgender and gender…
2025-096 I am requesting all emails, text messages, and any other direct communications between Jen Robinson, Chief of Schools and Deborah Toppins, Security Director, on Wednesday January 22, 2025 between 7pm… Complete
2025-095 Regarding X. Complete
2025-094 All payment bonds for the High School #13 project. Complete
2025-093 I am writing to formally Request a MPIA for the following RFP, which has already been awarded. Specifically, I would like to request access to the awarded proposal in soft copy format.
2025-092 My firm is currently working with Charles County Public Schools on a compensation study. We would like to request the following information:

1. List of all classifications/working job…
2025-091 I am writing to formally Request a MPIA for the following RFP, which has already been awarded. Specifically, I would like to request access to the awarded proposal in soft copy format.
2025-090 Requesting Disciplinary Referral Forms submitted for school years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24 for each HCPSS elementary school. For each school and… Complete
2025-089 MPIA response 2025-078 ( lists special education settlement/compliance costs for FY2024.

MPIA response 2025-086 (…
2025-088 I am requesting the total transportation costs for the 2023/2024 school year for each HCPSS school broken down by school and dollar amount in the same format as requested and provided in MPIA #2024-… Complete
2025-087 Based on the Federal Impact Aid survey, I would like a report showing the # of students who reside with a parent/guardian who is a civilian working on federal property broken down by school, along… Complete
2025-086 I am requesting a spreadsheet of the 2024 version of the Fund Accountability and Transparency vendor database.
2025-085 1. HCPSS Academic Calendar 1975-1976 school year .Can i get the entire calendar in a pdf?
2. Any reports that discuss the intention of Wilde Lake High School as a "model" high school…
2025-084 Please provide all retired/rehired HCPSS staff that are, or have been, working as temporary employees in Central Office for both the FY24 and FY25 school year. Complete
2025-083 I am requesting a list of four-year & two-year colleges/universities offering admission to all HCPSS graduating class of 2023 and 2024 and the number of students applied, accepted, attending to… Complete
2025-082 Can I please have a list by school of how many AP tests are administered by test and what the expense is for administering each test. Complete
2025-081 We are requesting public records for the contract - Senior Solutions/Business Intelligence Architect RFP #067.23.B5

Please send us the following details:

1. Technical…
2025-080 I would like to request the bid response proposal and pricing for Workday as it relates to the following contract award: 052.25.B6 Cloud-Based Enterprise Resource Planning Software. Complete
2025-079 Under the Maryland Public Information Act, Fox45 News Project Baltimore is requesting the following public records:
- Any and all performance bonuses paid to school employees starting July 1,…
2025-078 I am requesting the same information for FY2024 that is in MPIA 2025-029 for FY2023.
Please also include definitions for the funding categories…
2025-077 Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, Education Northwest kindly requests a copy of the winning proposal, including pricing details, and results for RFP 026.25.B6 – Special Education Review.… Complete