Current Requests
Tracking Number Sort ascending | Request | Status |
2025-113 | Documents showing when the Board of Education appointed its two member representatives to the HB1450 Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs Ho. Co. 18-24 | Submitted |
2025-112 | Pursuant to the Maryland Public Information Act, I am requesting information regarding any and all funds paid to your school board from probate or trust cases in which one or more recipients could or… | Submitted |
2025-111 | I'm requesting reports of student, staff, or teacher injuries occurring at Triadelphia Elementary School for the current year (January 1st-the current date (March 4)). This request includes… | Submitted |
2025-110 | I am requesting a copy of the Executive Director of Special Education, Richard Jeffries' calendar fir February and March 2025. | Submitted |
2025-109 | “Dear Custodian of Records, Under the Maryland Public Information Act Title 4, I am requesting detailed digital records of request for proposal processes (RFP) submitted by basketball officiating… | Submitted |
2025-108 | I am requesting a list of which schools in the HCPSS system have an electronic sign/marquee. | Complete |
2025-107 | I am submitting an MPIA request to obtain Howard County's school attendance zone boundaries. The data provided needs to be in an electronic format that can be read by a computer in R. | Complete |
2025-106 | Regarding X. | Submitted |
2025-105 | I am requesting data on all purchase orders issued by the School District from Jan 1, 2021 to the present and valued at $5,000 or greater. I would like the data to include the following information… | Submitted |
2025-104 | I am requesting the list and description of required training for sports coaches in HCPSS. | Complete |
2025-103 | I am writing to request access to public records under the Maryland Public Information Act, Md. Code Ann., Gen. Prov. § 4-101 et seq. I am seeking a listing of all Howard County PS System employees… | Complete |
2025-102 | Pursuant to the Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) (Md. Code Ann., General Provisions §§ 4-101 to 4-601), I am writing to request a copy of the following public records: electronic… |
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2025-101 | Good Afternoon, Hope you are doing great! We are requesting public records for the contract - Bid #031.24.B6 Flexible Staffing Services Please send us the… |
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2025-100 | Any and all documents whether stored in paper or electronic form regarding Dyslexia screening and assessments generated from July 2022 to present including but not limited to training provided to… | Complete |
2025-099 | Any and all documents whether stored in paper or electronic form regarding training provided to special education teachers in the use of the Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement -Fourth Edition (WJ-… | Submitted |
2025-098 | To Whom It May Concern: Inovo AI Solutions LLC is initiating a request Maryland Public Information Act (PIA) for all purchasing records from 07/01/2020 to date for all schools under your… |
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2025-097 | In accordance with the Maryland Public Information Act, I am requesting the following public records: • Documentation of a policy that directs educators how to support transgender and gender… |
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2025-096 | I am requesting all emails, text messages, and any other direct communications between Jen Robinson, Chief of Schools and Deborah Toppins, Security Director, on Wednesday January 22, 2025 between 7pm… | Complete |
2025-095 | Regarding X. | Complete |
2025-094 | All payment bonds for the High School #13 project. | Complete |
2025-093 | I am writing to formally Request a MPIA for the following RFP, which has already been awarded. Specifically, I would like to request access to the awarded proposal in soft copy format. … |
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2025-092 | My firm is currently working with Charles County Public Schools on a compensation study. We would like to request the following information: 1. List of all classifications/working job… |
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2025-091 | I am writing to formally Request a MPIA for the following RFP, which has already been awarded. Specifically, I would like to request access to the awarded proposal in soft copy format. … |
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2025-090 | Requesting Disciplinary Referral Forms submitted for school years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24 for each HCPSS elementary school. For each school and… | Complete |
2025-089 | MPIA response 2025-078 ( lists special education settlement/compliance costs for FY2024. MPIA response 2025-086 (… |
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