I would like to request the attendance data for the first quarter of 2022, specifically those students absent or tardy due to lack of bus transportation.
Date Received
Response Notes
Responsive to this request, and per clarification you are seeking data that “designated an absence due to a lack of authorized transportation” as well as wanting to understand “who would be counted correctly as chronically absent” please find records below.
No Transport Data SY23 Q1. The attached data reflects overall attendance through percentage of absences for the first quarter of school year 2022-2023, compared to the percentage of absences with a tag of “no transport” within the HCPSS student data system. Please note, HCPSS Transportation indicates all routes to schools have been covered thus far this school year, even where delays in service are necessary. No equivalent code to identity students who arrive to school tardy because of transportation is available. HCPSS has made substantial efforts to ensure the accuracy of this information; however, data collection and reporting is consistently subject to change. Please be mindful when comparing data as many variances can occur between reports based on date pulled, parameters used, categories included, etc.
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