Responsive to this request, in addition to the emails provided below, additional communications in the form of memorandums sent from Dr. Martirano during this timeframe that note the “reclassification of liaison” in budget scenarios sent to the Board can be found at:
● 5/19/23 Memo:$file/BOE%20Memo%20on%20FY24%20Budget%20Adoption%20Scenarios%205-19-2023.pdf
● 5/22/23 Memo:$file/BOE%20Memo%20on%20FY24%20Budget%20Adoption%20Scenarios%205-22-2023.pdf
● Date Range
o Between July 1, 2022 and the date of this request
● Mailbox Locations
o Nicole Carter
o Caroline Walker
o Michael Carson
o David Larner
o Michael Martirano
● Keywords
o “reclassification of liaison”
Please find attached emails meeting the above parameters. Under MPIA GP § 4-330, we have redacted sociological information where it contained a personal phone number and/or has the potential to pose a risk to individual safety or privacy.