HCPSS MPIA Request #2018-179

Requested Information
I am looking for the number of (school-age) children living in affordable housing, especially in Columbia downtown area.

Based on the agreement signed by county officials, 900 affordable house units will be built in future in Columbia downtown, including 400 affordable units dispersed in market-rate buildings; 417 units in tax credit projects; and 83 units through a live-where-you-work program. Thus I have the following request:

1. Could you please provide the projected number of (school-age) children/household in all kinds of affordable housing in downtown Columbia? If you have total (school-age) children numbers and total housing unit numbers, that works for me.

2. If you do not have such data from Columbia downtown, could you please provide (school-age) children numbers/household from other parts of Howard County or even Maryland State?

3. Is it possible to provide me the references in order to help me understand the numbers?

Here is the link for the report from Baltimore Sun for your reference:

Thanks a lot for your help!
Response Notes

Please note the School Planning Office, which studies housing county-wide for school planning purposes, does not have information on units identified as affordable housing, nor do they identify housing in downtown Columbia as a geographic area for planning purposes.

HCPSS has made substantial efforts to ensure the accuracy of this information; however, school polygons and attendance areas are subject to change. Please be mindful when comparing data as many variances can occur between reports based on date pulled, categories included, etc. The user of this data accepts full liability for any use of the data. For any questions regarding the data or concerns about the planning process, please contact the Office of School Planning at 410-313-7184 or SchoolPlanning@hcpss.org.

Responsive Documents
Housing data currently used by HCPSS’ School Planning Office including projections for housing unit types: single family detached SFD, single family attached SFA, and multi-family APT (where 1 = 2017-2018, 2 = 2018-2019, etc.) per geographic polygon. This also includes current enrollment of students in those geographic regions, and projections for enrollment in those regions (where PROJ0 = 2016-2017, PROJ1 = 2017-2018, etc.) This data was recently updated after review by an outside consultant, see their report here: http://www.hcpss.org/f/schoolplanning/aac/aac-cooperative-strategies-data-validation.pdf.

*Some request language is summarized to include the requester's specific document requests and legally protected information (such as personally identifiable information of a student) or personal, defamatory and malicious content removed at the discretion of the school system.

**Responses containing legally protected information available only to the person of interest are omitted from the above report.

***Howard County Public Schools reserves the right to remove erroneous or outdated documents from this site.