HCPSS MPIA Request #2025-062

Ryan Powers
Requested Information
I am requesting a complete list of HCPSS employees, consultants, and interns assigned to work at Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School for SY 22-23, 23-24, 24-25. I am looking for their names, job titles and employment status assigned to TRES (example: Full time employee 1.0 or 0.5). Specifically, I am requesting the information also explicitly state if staff are assigned to the Special Education Regional Program or Gifted and Talented Program, if possible. I am also requesting the number of students enrolled/participating in the Regional Program for these years. For SY22-23 and 23-24, please list the total number of these HCPSS employees, consultants, and interns beginning Sept 1st and total number of people ending May 31st. I am interested in the number who quit, were fired, reassigned, suspended, or retired. Thank you.
Date Received

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