Responsive to this request, publicly available data and costs are included in an annual report to the Board which includes a breakdown of both the number of test takers (unique students) and the number of exams taken by school – the most recent is available here:$file/01%2025%202024%20Advanced%20Placement%20Program%20Trends%20All%20Students%20and%20Graduates.pdf (see Table B2). Table B3 also shows the number of exams taken by school and subject.
The College Board publicizes the fee per exam on their website:,the%20exception%20of%20DoDEA%20schools.
Per clarification you are seeking additional information regarding cost, Assessment staff indicates curriculum varies significantly from course to course and would include things like textbooks, digital resources for the course, and possibly consumable supplies. The yearly cost is minimal for those items since many courses use textbooks that carry over multiple years. The major cost is staffing which is part of the general secondary staff deployment and not specific to AP.
For proctor costs, we use the HCPSS daily sub rate per proctor, per exam:
Daily Rate
• Non-degree (minimum 60 credits) – $125
• Degree (BA or higher) – $138
• Retired Teacher (verification required) – $157
• Teacher with a valid, current MSDE certificate (verification required) – $157
This provides time for the proctor to review the administration materials prior to administering the exam. The number of proctors needed is dependent on the quantity of students testing, space in the school, and student accommodations.
To see total annual costs, starting on page 120 of the budget book, the administration costs for AP are posted:
That includes:
• AP Coordinator stipends
• Proctor costs
• Exam coverage for CCR students
• Exam coverage for students who qualify for a fee waiver
Not included:
• Teachers of the AP Courses (found in 3030 - High School Instruction)
• Supplies/Texts (found in curricular office budgets)