Requested Information
For the following and I am sure this was all well thought out before it was broken up into three zones so could you please provide the following. Any maps which show the three designated zones especially in regards to demographics, farms, test scores etc. or any other charts or statistics which previously would have been available by individual school and the county as a whole. I hope I am being clear as to what I am searching for because now we have 3 separate and individual zones. It would also be helpful if there were any documents which detail the process by which these clusters were determined.
Response Notes
No maps or demographic data based on these school clusters currently exist, however individual profiles can still be found by school on the HCPSS website at
Responsive Documents
All documents used by the Superintendent’s Office and the School Management and Instructional Leadership’s Office in the course of designating the current clusters found at Please note, the areas were largely formed through even distribution of high schools based on their feeder patterns to create a vertical education delivery model.