Requested Information
Please verify the dataset released previously under #2018-004 for students on Free and Reduced Meals (FARM). The total number of students in the data set is 54,638 compared to 55,638 for the published HCPSS system-wide profile. The number of FARM students in the dataset is 9,122 compared with 11,962 in the system-wide profile. This equates to a difference from 16.8% FARM to 21.5% FARM for the dataset and the published profile. Furthermore, the AAC Draft Report, which I believed was using a similar dataset, reported ES, MS, and HS results of 21%, 22% and 26% FARM, which should yield a weighted average of about 23.6% over all schools. Which of these is correct? Please explain the discrepancies or check the results and issue corrections or corrected databases if necessary.
Responsive Documents
Updated FARMs percentages as of August 7, 2017, vs. previously reported numbers. The discrepancy resulted from recent changes in the way our student database codes identification numbers, causing the scenario testing software to exclude many new students who are enrolled in the Free and Reduced-price Meal program. The new student data was incorporated into the redistricting software and the Plan Assessment. Please note, these numbers represent attendance area population, not children enrolled at the school, and do not include pre-kindergarten. In the above document, before is the percent as of the date pulled during the 2016-2017 school year, and after is what would be the percent at each school based on current attendance area population after proposed redistricting. In contrast, system-wide profiles include pre-kindergarten.