Requested Information
In The January 22, 2018 work session (BOE budget), there was mention of evidence based reading programs for struggling readers by ELA. I am requesting information on the evidence based reading programs purchased by HCPSS for struggling readers over the past two years, any discussed evidenced based reading programs in relation to the Striving Readers Literacy Grant, and the process for determining what program to purchase.
Date Received
Responsive Documents
Current reading programs used by reading specialists within HCPSS for struggling readers at the elementary level. Please note, multiple interventions may be contained within an individual program.
Programs used/purchased at all levels in the prior year (SY2017-2018) can be found under MPIA 2018-233. At the secondary level those listed continue to be used, with Read 180 being purchased for SY2019 under the Striving Readers Grant.
See PC-3 pages 8-20. Through the approval of this contract, additional program materials were purchased using Striving Readers Literacy Grant funding for the purposes of elementary level reading intervention.
See PC-16 on page 23 - purchased under the Striving Readers Literacy Grant. Note this contract includes the Exploring Reading program noted on the Literacy Interventions document provided above.
See PS-8 on pages 9-12. Note this contract is for Read 180 and Systems 44 used at the secondary level.
See PS-9 on pages 13-16. Note this contract is for Achieve 3000 at the high school level.
This overview provided to the Board of the grant included processes for determining purchases under the grant, including upgrades to existing programs and assessments. The Request for Proposals (RFP) process was also used to review and select programs under the Striving Readers Literacy Grant, based on the parameters noted in the Board reports above with each approval. Additionally, please note these purchases are those made thus far as only year-one funds of the grant have been released.