Responsive to this request, we have identified one record of notes developed after the November 21, 2019 meeting by Board of Education member Kirsten Coombs regarding events that evening. Under MPIA GP § 4-301(1), which requires a custodian to deny inspection of a record if by law, the public record is privileged or confidential, we are denying access to this record as attorney-client communications.
UPDATE: Under MPIA GP §4-301(1), which requires a custodian to deny inspection of a record if by law the record is privileged or confidential. These notes constitute attorney-client communications/work product, and thus are subject to non-disclosure under this provision of the MPIA. The Board of Education has considered this request, however, and voted to waive the privilege solely as to notes made by Board members concerning the recess taken during the November 21, 2019 meeting. Accordingly, please find responsive notes made by Board of Education member Kirsten Coombs below.