HCPSS MPIA Request #2018-129

Requested Information
In the document dated 5th of November 2015 Update to BoE FS report, OSP wrote: "The Columbia West Region high school is Wilde Lake HS. The projection for this school remains (with the approved 5,500 units) remains between 90–110 percent utilization until 2027. This projection models the effect of the Columbia Town Center development. The preliminary enrollment analysis of the impact based on the new proposal (attachment 3) shows Wilde Lake HS will exceed 110% utilization after 2020. Projected school capacity levels would be insufficient to accommodate the additional student enrollment that would result from the total 6,750 new housing units. At the elementary level, the HCPSS model indicates we may need a second new 600 seat elementary school. At the elementary level, the HCPSS model indicates we may need a second new 600 seat elementary school. However, the AAC plan shows WLHS utilization will stay under 100% until 2022 and 110% until 2028 with the current downtown plan with 5,400 regular units and 900 affordable units. Please provide the 2015 and 2016 development unit allocation for Downtown Columbia to allow a comparison of the two. Please also explain if and how the enrollment projection methodology & yields have changed between the 2015 OSP projections and the current in AAC/OSP projections in order to explain why WLHS utilization would have exceed 110% by 2020 based on 2015 data/methodology and is now less than 100% based on 2016 data/methodology.
Response Notes

Request withdrawn.

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