HCPSS MPIA Request #2018-344

Requested Information
I am requesting the number of arrests and attempted arrests by Howard County Police Officers on Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) premises during school hours (of adults and minors) since September 1, 2017.
Responsive Documents
A summary of all school‐related arrests – which HCPSS collects for MSDE reporting purposes and includes arrests of students for any activity conducted on school grounds, during off‐campus school activities (including while taking school transportation), or due to a referral by any school official – for the 2017-2018 school year as of April 4, 2018. Please note, attempted arrests are not collected by HCPSS, however the attached includes arrests by type – Physical Arrests, Paper Based Arrests (officer initiated referral/request for charges to DJS) and Civil Citations (given in lieu of arrest at the discretion of the officer). Additionally, arrests of adults are also not collected by HCPSS.

*Some request language is summarized to include the requester's specific document requests and legally protected information (such as personally identifiable information of a student) or personal, defamatory and malicious content removed at the discretion of the school system.

**Responses containing legally protected information available only to the person of interest are omitted from the above report.

***Howard County Public Schools reserves the right to remove erroneous or outdated documents from this site.