Requested Information
In the following document, two "Community" committees or Task Forces are mentioned:$file/07%2012%202018%20Horizon%20Foundation%20Grant%20BR.pdf
I am requesting the list of names and associated organizations represented on the "Superintendent's Community Sub-Cabinet on Mental Health" and the "Mental Health Community Advisory" Task Force.
I am requesting the list of names and associated organizations represented on the "Superintendent's Community Sub-Cabinet on Mental Health" and the "Mental Health Community Advisory" Task Force.
Date Received
Response Notes
There are currently no existing members or represented organizations on the Superintendent’s Community Sub-Cabinet as staff has yet to invite/establish that group.
Responsive Documents
A list of organizations and individuals who have been invited to be members of the Mental Health Community Advisory. Please note, staff indicates additional representation is planned, such as school-based administrators and families with experience using community-based services. This group is also open to additional interested community professionals who may be invited by members.