- When it was implemented
- When and why it was terminated
- Number and percentage of students served by year from 2000 to today. Indicated the number and percentage in each school year
- Criteria used to include a student in the program. Exclusion criteria to not include a student in the newcomer program. If we have a similar program today, please indicate the inclusion and exclusion criteria used now and the differences from the newcomer program.
- Student/teacher ratio by year from 2000 until the end of the newcomer program. If a new initiative is used now please, indicate the student/teacher ratio. Please separate the data by elementary, middle and high school and by year
-Number and percentage of students that moved out of the Newcomers program to the mainstream curriculum/school. Separate by year from 2000
-Number and percentage of students that move out of the Newcomer program and graduate in 4 and 5 years. Separate the data by year, starting in 2000.
- Number and percentage of English Learners that repeat once, twice, or more rimes algebra. Please separate the numbers by year, beginning in 2000.
Under the MPIA process, and as advised in the Fourteenth Edition of the Maryland Public Information Act Manual created by Maryland’s Office of the Attorney General, an agency is only obligated to produce existing records and is not required to generate new data or summarize data. In order to extract data on student to teacher ratios and number of EL students who repeat specific courses from the HCPSS reporting system, a new query would have to be programmed. Per the MPIA GP § 4-205(c)(4)(iii), an agency is not required to program a new record if the type of data extraction requested is outside its normal course of business.