HCPSS MPIA Request #2020-005

Requested Information
Please supply an updated year over year comparison for HCPSS Health and Dental funds through FY2020. This should include Actual FY2019 , Approved final FY2019 Budget and Approved FY2020 Budget. Please use the spreadsheet supplied in MPIA request #2019-131 and add to it. Also, please confirm that FY2018 numbers are still correct for that spreadsheet.
Date Received
Response Notes

Responsive to this request, a Health Fund year over year chart similar to that found under MPIA 2019-131 does not exist at this time. Our Finance staff indicates calculations of actuals for FY19 are not completed until September. For reference, the BOE requested amounts for FY20 can be found in the online version (starting on page 470): https://www.hcpss.org/f/aboutus/budget/fy20/fy20-boe-requested-operating-budget.pdf.

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