HCPSS MPIA Request #2020-327

Requested Information
In response to MPIA #2020-312, HCPSS stated that the 2015 School Resource Officer MOU which expired in January 2020 is currently in process to be updated and modified and until that is complete, the 2015 agreement remains in force without interruption. As the 2015 agreement includes language firmly marking a five year termination after becoming effective, with the January 2015 effective date, the language of the current agreement indicates this is now expired as of January 2020 and is not in force and effect in contrast to the response provided to the public. This risks safety. Please provide the document that governs this MOU continuing in force and effect at present since the MOU itself does not. If this is in the MOU and has been overlooked, can you please highlight for the public or refer to the relevant text to clarify? If there is an alternative document extending the effectiveness and enforceability of this specific agreement in the interim, please provide that document.
Please also provide copy of procedures indicating timelines for adequate review and renewal before these types of documents affecting safety expire and confirm when HCPSS actually began reviewing this for update and renewal in advance of the January 2020 expiration. Thank you.
Date Received
Responsive Documents

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***Howard County Public Schools reserves the right to remove erroneous or outdated documents from this site.