HCPSS MPIA Request #2021-211

Venu Kumar
Requested Information
Can you give recent initiatives any done at Swansfield ES to improve students performance. Also improvements if any, to school infrastructure or student facilities or any additions in budget allocations for future changes after the recent polygon reassignments in 2019.

Recently some students from polygon 64 are move to Swansfield ES. Could you include any material for reasons for this decision.
Date Received
Response Notes

Responsive to this request, HCPSS Capital Planning and Construction staff indicates there have been no renovations/additions since 2019. Regarding reasons for the decision to move geographic attendance areas, that decision was made in November 2019 by the Board of Education following an extensive boundary review process. You can find an overview and links to the many materials and public work sessions held by the Board here: https://www.hcpss.org/school-planning/boundary-review/. No further clarification received to continue request.

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