I would like a digital copy of Amplify's submitted proposal from RFP 04.21.81, Title: Screener for Reading Difficulties.
Date Received
Response Notes
Responsive to this request, the following records are available under this prior MPIA response: https://mpia.hcpss.org/requests/2022-061. Additional clarification would be needed if additional records are sought.
RFP No. 042.21.V1 Screener for Reading Difficulties as awarded by the Howard County Board of Education on July 15, 2021. Information about this award, including total costs and evaluation criteria and committee make-up, can be found under this Board report.
Cost Estimate from awarded vendor Amplify Education, Inc.
RFP 04.21.V1 Screener Scoring Results – Comments Redacted. Please note, comments would need further review as those have the potential to reveal confidential commercial information of the individual companies.
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