Kristen Sellers
FOIA Professional Services
Requested Information
Under the Maryland Public Information Act Title 4, I am requesting to obtain information regarding the following record:
I am requesting to receive the current executed contract for medical employee benefits for the Howard County Public Schools. Please also include any associated amendments or addendums.
I am requesting to receive the current executed contract for medical employee benefits for the Howard County Public Schools. Please also include any associated amendments or addendums.
Date Received
Responsive Documents
Responsive to this request, a public report that outlines the submissions, review of, and award of the contract for Health Benefits (RFP #043.16.B1 – see PC-34) can be found online:$file/06%2009%202016%20Bids%20and%20Contracts%20BR.pdf. The attached includes current agreements between HCPSS and the contractors. For Carefirst, under MPIA GP § 4-335, which prevents disclosure of confidential trade secret, commercial or financial records furnished by an outside unit, unique pricing the vendor has identified as confidential beyond the total annual costs found in the report above have been redacted as they have the potential to cause harm to the competitive position of the vendor from whom the information was obtained and/or impair our ability to obtain similar information in the future. An account number of the company used specifically for HCPSS has also been redacted under this provision. For Aetna, under MPIA GP § 4-335, which prevents disclosure of confidential trade secret, commercial or financial records furnished by an outside unit, unique pricing the vendor has identified as confidential beyond the total annual costs found in the report above have been redacted, along with proprietary business operations, assumptions, disclosure statements, banking arrangements, and performance guarantees as they have the potential to cause harm to the competitive position of the vendor from whom the information was obtained and/or impair our ability to obtain similar information in the future. Additionally, under MPIA GP § 4-330, we have redacted sociological information where it contains cell phone numbers and/or has the potential to pose a risk to individual safety or privacy.