HCPSS MPIA Request #2025-074

Colleen Morris
Howard County Education Association
Requested Information
On October 6, 2022 (at 4:24pm) , Nicole Carter sent me and David Larner an email stating:
"The Office of Human Resources sent the attached document to the Chiefs via email to inform them of the reclassification window in late April early May. Unfortunately, I do not have the email that was sent to share with you. OHR did not send any communication directly to employees with regards to requesting a reclassification. All requests would be initiated through their respective managers/supervisors. Any reclassification request sent/received before the October 1st date by a supervisor for an employee was logged into the tracking system and held until the reclassification window opened.(please see the attached email). If you have any additional questions, please let me know."

I know the email about the reclassification window was sent to more than just chiefs. I would like a copy of. that attachment on the email as well as the distribution list. The reclassification window information should still exist in either David Larner, Caroline Walker or Nicole Carter's inbox. If there are additional emails/correspondence around the reclassification window that HR created I would appreciate them as well.
Date Received

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**Responses containing legally protected information available only to the person of interest are omitted from the above report.

***Howard County Public Schools reserves the right to remove erroneous or outdated documents from this site.