HCPSS MPIA Request #2023-022

Kathy Broughton
Requested Information
Outdoor Education has been cancelled by HCPSS. I would like copies of email correspondence between HCPSS Administrators ('leadership', 'Central Office Staff', etc.), including the Superintendent, that discuss the cancelling of Outdoor Education for 6th graders and the replacement of this activity with a day trip to Robinson Nature Center.

I would also like copies of email correspondence between HCPSS staff and the BOE that discuss the cancelling of Outdoor Education for 6th graders and the replacement of this activity with a day trip to Robinson Nature Center.

Finally, I would like copies of email correspondence between HCPSS staff and Sandy Hill Camp & Retreat Center and NorthBay Adventure Camp that discuss either the continuation or the cancelling of Outdoor Education for 6th graders.
Date Received
Responsive Documents
Responsive to the second portion of your request, this batch of emails contains those from Board of Education mailboxes using the keyword “outdoor ed(ucation)” and identified as discussions with staff regarding the determination of changes between July 1, 2020, and the date of this request. We have also included here attachments from these emails which further discuss the determination of changes. Under MPIA GP § 4-330, we have redacted sociological information where it contains personal phone numbers and/or has the potential to pose a risk to individual privacy. Additional redactions found within one attachment are for content unresponsive to this request.
Responsive to the third portion of your request, this batch of emails contains those sent between School Management and Instructional Leadership, Curriculum, or Purchasing staff involved in the determination of changes and the North Bay representative between July 1, 2020, and the date of this request. Related to Sandy Hill, staff indicates all discussions were via phone/meetings and thus no responsive emails exist.

*Some request language is summarized to include the requester's specific document requests and legally protected information (such as personally identifiable information of a student) or personal, defamatory and malicious content removed at the discretion of the school system.

**Responses containing legally protected information available only to the person of interest are omitted from the above report.

***Howard County Public Schools reserves the right to remove erroneous or outdated documents from this site.