Requested Information
The documents that describe how does the computer system used in school redistricting work. The capabilities, shortcomings, the input factors used, the balances and trade offs between all the factors used, the output scores produced. For example, how to balance transportation cost and school by school FARM distribution in the redistricting process.
Response Notes
For any questions regarding the data or concerns about the planning process, please contact the Office of School Planning at 410-313-7184 or
Responsive Documents
Please note, this document was developed by an internal HCPSS staffer in 2008. Although no additional existing documents reflect changes in the software’s use and function over time, staff has updated its use of the system, incorporated additional functions and discontinued use of other functions as other methods were found to be more effective in the past ten years. For that reason, this document is not a complete reflection of redistricting calculations and should be considered a referential resource only. Additionally, in the sample screenshot and sample reports contained in this document, in order to protect against potential disclosures of personally identifiable information about students when looking at polygon-level data where those who know the residents of a particular neighborhood may be able to deduce student-level information, HCPSS is following the National Center for Education Statistics’ federal guidelines for protecting student privacy in public reporting. Under both the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which restricts access to student records, and MPIA GP § 4-313, which prevents disclosure of school district records pertaining to individual students, FARMs and academic testing data has been suppressed where population sizes at the grade and polygon level are below 10 (*) or greater than 95% (>95%) or below 5% (<5%).
This policy guides what measures/inputs are considered and how to balance.
Output scores as produced for the 2017 feasibility study and AAC draft plans/recommendation are the documents posted per meeting date on the AAC website.