Responsive to this request, a review of MPIA requests handled by our office for FY2018 and FY2019 to date found no instances of requests for school staff schedules with room assignments. For reference, the most closely related documents provided under MPIA 2018-279 were scheduled AP courses by school (not including staff or room assignments unless a school uses the section ID to incorporate that information).
HCPSS MPIA Request #2019-095
Requested Information
First, I would like a copy of any (and/or all) school schedules (and/or) room assignments you have provided to other parties. Second, I would like a copy of all staff meetings for each school. I am particularly interested in staff meetings that begin, contractually, up to to 30 minutes before the certificated staff's day.
Date Received
Response Notes
Responsive Documents
*Some request language is summarized to include the requester's specific document requests and legally protected information (such as personally identifiable information of a student) or personal, defamatory and malicious content removed at the discretion of the school system.
**Responses containing legally protected information available only to the person of interest are omitted from the above report.
***Howard County Public Schools reserves the right to remove erroneous or outdated documents from this site.