Requested Information
Please forward data from the JUMP START 2018-2019 school year including: courses offered at RHHS that are not at the sending high school, number of children who applied and attended RHHS and have not returned for the next school year and reasonings to not further attend RHHS. Please include transportation costs and studies and all information gathered from the program. Thank you.
Date Received
Responsive Documents
Courses available through JumpStart are broken down by school on the HCPSS website.
Under a previous response to an MPIA we provided several records regarding data about JumpStart.
Additional information, including transportation costs, regarding JumpStart developed since the above MPIA response.
A summary of the SY2019 participation developed in conjunction with Howard Community College.
Available summary data on students who attended RHHS during SY2019 for Jumpstart that returned to their respective schools in SY2020 for the reasons indicated.
SY2019 JumpStart data as collected by the Duel Enrollment Office and recently reported in an October 3, 2019, update memo to the Board of Education.