Ashley Alfeo
Requested Information
I am requesting all email and text message communication between HCPSS allowing Howard County Parks and Recreation and the Columbia Association to set up child care settings for distance learning in HCPSS schools and buildings during COVID-19 HCPSS school closures.
Date Received
Responsive Documents
Responsive to this request, per our email discussions to date, as an initial search of just @hcpss mailboxes for BOE members, the Superintendent, and staff identified as those working on this topic, we set the parameters as those where participant email addresses included individuals identified by staff from the Columbia Association or Howard County Gov/Rec and Parks, since the closure on March 13, and containing the keyword "child care." We have attached here the contents of two communications staff identified based on their inclusion of indications with these two groups they would be “allowed” to proceed with fall child care programs. Under MPIA GP § 4-330, we have redacted sociological information where it contains personal phone numbers or has the potential to pose a risk to individual safety or privacy. No additional clarification received to continue response.