HCPSS MPIA Request #2025-089

Barb Krupiarz
Requested Information
MPIA response 2025-078 (https://mpia.hcpss.org/requests/2025-078) lists special education settlement/compliance costs for FY2024.

MPIA response 2025-086 (https://mpia.hcpss.org/requests/2025-086) lists payments to entities for FY2024. In that spreadsheet, there are payments to special education parent attorneys presumably from lost legal cases where the school system had to pay the parents' legal costs. The total of that is over $850,000.

I am requesting the document that shows where those funds are paid in the budget because they are not in the response to PIA 2025-078.

I am also requesting all emails from the special education Executive Director, Director, Special Education Compliance staff (2), and the Chief Academic officer from December 11, 2024 to the present with my name in them.
Date Received
Response Notes

Responsive to this request, for reference, payments to attorneys often are a result of payments for an agreement with families and are not necessarily direct payments for lost cases/attorney fees. Additional information would be needed to complete response. 

Responsive Documents
Responsive to the second portion of this request, we conducted a search of the @hcpss email system within the following parameters:
• Date Range:
o Between December 11, 2024, and the receipt of this request
• Mailbox Locations:
o Terrell Savage
o Richard Jefferies
o Janice Yetter
o Patricia Gunshore
o Kelly Russo
• Keywords:
o Barb Krupiarz
o Krupiarz
o Barb K
• Sender:
o Terrell Savage
o Richard Jefferies
o Janice Yetter
o Patricia Gunshore
o Kelly Russo
Which resulted in the attached hits. Please note, further review would be needed to determine releasability of all attachments, links and/or external records noted within the responsive email content itself.

*Some request language is summarized to include the requester's specific document requests and legally protected information (such as personally identifiable information of a student) or personal, defamatory and malicious content removed at the discretion of the school system.

**Responses containing legally protected information available only to the person of interest are omitted from the above report.

***Howard County Public Schools reserves the right to remove erroneous or outdated documents from this site.