Submitted 2018 MPIA Requests

Tracking Number Request Status Sort ascending
2018-027 I am now requesting you clarify everything Mrs. Vaillancourt has stated with the dates, times, places and who all was contacted or made contact. (duplicate of 2018-026) Complete
2018-028 I am requesting all the resume/bios the HCP$$ publicly posted for the past 20 years. I am also requesting the date these were removed. Complete
2018-029 To help me interpret the discrepancies in the data in the 2017 redistricting feasibility study, please provide the following:
1. For 2016-2017, Please provide (A) ACTUAL enrollment #s and…
2018-030 Pursuant to the Public Information Act, this is a request for a copy of the following records: An electronic copy of any and all employees for year of 2016, (fiscal or calendar year). Each employee… Complete
2018-031 I am now requesting all the original PIA requests from May 1 until the present and all correspondence between the HCP$$ and those making the requests. Please provide it in an electronic format so… Complete
2018-032 Please provide the HCPSS polygon number of home residence for all HCPSS staff working in the Office of School Planning that reside in Howard County, including, but not limited to, Renee Kamen. Complete
2018-033 Mrs. Vaillancourt has repeatedly and publicly stated she was approached by Mr. Blom once she became a BOE member. He showed her a 6 inch file which she believed contained comments she had made in… Complete
2018-034 The second elected BOE member to come forward publicly about a file the HCP$$ compiled on her was Ms. DeLacy.
Shortly after Ms. DeLacy became a BOE member she publicly stated HCP$$ had…
2018-035 I am requesting all information pertaining to train derailments on HCP$$ property or property the HCP$$ considered for purchase. The place and dates of any such incidents. The documents these… Complete
2018-036 Please provide copies of all documents, charts, diagrams, investigations, interviews, studies, surveys, reports, notes, emails, or any other written or electronic documentation utilized by Dr.… Complete
2018-037 My request is for copies of all bids submitted for fall officials associations, high school programs specifically, for the 2017-2018 school year including but not limited to application, references,… Complete
2018-038 I would like to make the request to retrieve the Google documents that were created with my Howard County school email before my account was suspended. Complete
2018-039 I am requesting, preferably in electronic format, copies of any of the attached 2 emails [provided by requester] that were forwarded to any HCPSS staff after receiving them from Kathy Munder.
2018-040 1) What are the qualifications and previous experience of the following personnel?

Danielle Lueking
Maryland Public Information Act Representative

2018-041 Please export the AAC DRAFT Scenario Maps with geospactial information as described in the "Advanced PDF features" section here:… Complete
2018-042 Please provide an assessment of the AAC DRAFT Scenario Maps similar to what was provided for the feasibility study. It is hard to give feedback without seeing how the draft effects criteria stated in… Complete
2018-043 I am requesting ALL correspondence, between the requester and the HCP$$ including all emails or other correspondence generated by the HCP$$ in their efforts to fulfill PIA Requests #2018-010, 2018-… Complete
2018-044 Relating to evaluation of 2017 Feasibility Study, please provide a data file containing for each polygon number (row), the racial demographics of the polygon (e.g. % Asian, % Black, etc.), and all… Complete
2018-045 Please provide a dataset in one or more Excel files and database (.dbf) files containing individual test score performance on standardized tests (PARC, SAT, AP) taken in 2014-2016 school years (… Complete
2018-046 I would like to request documentation and policies pertaining to polygon determinations and assessments for the public school system. Specifically, I would like to know when polygon 1036 was… Complete
2018-047 This request regarding evaluation of the 2017 Feasibility Study may overlap with Request #2018-044 and requests checking of information already dispersed in #2018-004.

Please verify…
2018-048 For the following and I am sure this was all well thought out before it was broken up into three zones so could you please provide the… Complete
2018-049 Please provide for each polygon identified for school districts, the number of FARM students and number of total students by aggregate grade levels (to obscure identities), for the aggregates in 2018… Complete
2018-050 Please provide the planning polygon comparison posted on August 8, 2017 by the Attendance Area Committee (AAC) in excel and preferably database format. It was only posted in PDF format. Please… Complete
2018-051 Please verify the dataset released previously under #2018-004 for students on Free and Reduced Meals (FARM). The total number of students in the data set is 54,638 compared to 55,638 for the… Complete