Submitted 2019 MPIA Requests

Tracking Number Sort ascending Request Status
2019-197 Under the Maryland Public Information Act, we formally request that your office provide us with the following public spending information: Copies of documents, such as − but not limited to –… Complete
2019-196 In various bids and contracts since 2012, the Strategic Data Project (SDP) from Harvard Fellows were contracted to "research and examine current student achievement trends based on salient… Complete
2019-195 Please provide documents showing or discussing any current or future plans to develop or redevelop the HCPSS Central Office, Homewood School and surrounding parcels for the area roughly bounded by… Complete
2019-194 I am requesting the number of special education due process cases filed by the school system against parents/guardians by issue (e.g. placement, IEE, etc.) from 2014 to the present. Include all that… Complete
2019-193 I’m requesting the number of students placed in a non-public school. How many of the non-public placements were placed back in the Emotional Disability regional program? How many of the non-public… Complete
2019-192 I am requesting all current Central Office vacant positions (to include organizations in the Board of Ed building, Ascent One, Old Cedar Lane, Mendenhall, and ARL) . I am also requesting the amount… Complete
2019-191 Provide an updated/current spreadsheet on all HCPSS personnel to include the information found under MPIA 2019-057. Complete
2019-190 An electronic copy of any current or proposed gender identity policy. Complete
2019-189 I am requesting the make and model of cameras used in HCPSS schools (e.g., cameras fixed in place for surveillance in hallways and other public areas, not hand-held cameras to take pictures of… Complete
2019-188 I am requesting the mileage stipends that are given on a monthly basis rather than individuals who have to submit miles on a per diem form. Also include the annual salary for each individual with a… Complete
2019-187 A spreadsheet with one school per row containing the total number of students, as of 5/8/2019, that are:

1. 4th and 5th grade students enrolled G/T Math that are in FARMS.
2019-186 Video footage regarding x. Complete
2019-185 Regarding HCPSS BID for Generator Replacement-Elkridge Elementary School, provide details of award, including awarded contract and bid tabulation if available. Complete
2019-184 I am requesting any and all communications, including any emails, committee meeting minutes, and other communications, that went into the development and presentation of testimony in accordance with… Complete
2019-183 1. Any and all records pertaining HCPSS staff who have been trained and/or certified by Wilson Language Training to teach their reading programs specifically Fundations, Wilson Just Words, and Wilson… Complete
2019-182 In order to analyze how to move school start times with minimal impact to high school sports activities, I request the following information:
For the past 2 school years, 2017-18, 2018-19, and…
2019-181 Please supply any analysis, reports, studies, internal memos in reference to the impact to HCPSS high school sports due to changing start times later for high schools in HCPSS. Complete
2019-180 For each of the HCPSS high schools, please supply how many practice facilities are available (practice fields, gym space, etc.) and what are the constraints (e.g. capacity, hours/lights). Complete
2019-179 I am requesting any emails correspondences between X. Complete
2019-178 Under the Maryland Public Information Act, I am requesting to obtain copies of public records that contain the annual salary and the number of years of service in the position excluding fringe… Complete
2019-177 I am requesting all information and documentation regarding a public meeting of the discussion of the Board's testimony regarding County Council Bill 17-2019/ Complete
2019-176 Records related to X. Complete
2019-175 All Central Office staff, their positions, years in service, and salaries Complete
2019-174 Under the Maryland Public Information Act Title 4, I request the correspondence between workers housed within the Howard County Executive’s office and school board members who are discussing the DRRA… Complete
2019-173 I am requesting the list of all users and/or tweets muted by the Superintendent on his Twitter account. Do not "unmute" prior to responding to this MPIA. Complete