Current Requests
Tracking Number Sort ascending | Request | Status |
2024-147 | Regarding X. | Complete |
2024-146 | Regarding X. | Complete |
2024-145 | We are contacting you regarding the bid Howard County Public School System_ RFP#114.24.B6 _ Senior Solutions and Business Intelligence. We were wondering if you could please share the… |
Complete |
2024-144 | We are requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records for the Bid - Senior Solutions and Business Intelligence Architect Service #114.24.B6. Please provide us with the… | Complete |
2024-143 | I would like to request all emails between Judith Jones and Joel Frankel between 10/7/23 and 3/13/24 | Complete |
2024-142 | I would like to request all emails between Judith Jones and Gordon Fuller between 10/7/23 and 3/13/24. | Complete |
2024-141 | I would like to request all emails between Judith Jones and Calvin Ball, between the dates 10/7/23 and 3/13/24 | Complete |
2024-140 | I am requesting a digital copy (.pdf, .doc, .docx as acceptable file formats) of each negotiated agreement for certificated staff since July 1, 2000, and a spreadsheet (.csv, .xls, .xlsx as… | Complete |
2024-139 | Respectfully requesting all emails from and to current BOE members with subject line that is inclusive of terms "superintendent search" beginning January 1, 2024. | Complete |
2024-138 | I am requesting any document containing the number of Maryland Attorney General Public Access Ombudsman requests for mediation with HCPSS and the number completed by year for the years 2019 through… | Complete |
2024-137 | This is a Request for public records for the contract awarded from the RFP 075.18.B5 - Solutions and Business Intelligence Architect Services which was issued back on 05/18/2018. I would like to… | Complete |
2024-136 | Under Md. General Provisions Code Ann. Secs. 4-101 to 4-601, I am requesting the following documents about book challenges and removals from your school district: 1. Written policies… |
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2024-135 | I’m searching for public records on vendors that are currently providing therapy, mental health, and nursing services at Howard County Public School System. I needs a list of the hourly rates the… | Complete |
2024-134 | In the 2/29/24 budget work session, Superintendent Barnes stated that he "collected information from Board members to assess programs and positions they would like to restore." Mr. Barnes… | Complete |
2024-133 | I'd like to request a copy of the current contract in place between the County and CBIZ for Employee Benefits Consulting Services | Complete |
2024-132 | We would like to file a FOIA request on the following RFP. We request all-digital, electronic copies of the proposals, responses, tabulation, awards, and other pertinent documents regarding this RFP… | Complete |
2024-131 | The HCPSS policy manual for school years 1975-1976 through 1989-1990. | Complete |
2024-130 | Under Md. General Provisions Code Ann. Secs. 4-101 to 4-601, I am requesting the following information about internal and external communications regarding book challenges and removals from your… | Complete |
2024-129 | I am writing to request a non-redacted copy of the contract(s) between Zum and HCPSS. | Complete |
2024-128 | Regarding X. | Complete |
2024-127 | I formally request copies of any district hiring documents, board documents, or committee agendas and documents related to teacher hiring found in the list below. If dates are needed, please search… | Complete |
2024-126 | Under the Maryland Public Information Act Title 4, I write to request access to and a copy of a listing of all Howard County Public School System employees first and last names, email address, title… | Complete |
2024-125 | I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records for the contract- Solutions and Business Intelligence Architect Services. Information required: •… |
Complete |
2024-124 | Requesting electronic copies of the active/current contract between the school system and the vendor Zum. On review of the BoardDocs page I noticed the contract is referenced but not provided for in… | Complete |
2024-123 | Regarding X. | Complete |