Current Requests

Tracking Number Sort ascending Request Status
2024-147 Regarding X. Complete
2024-146 Regarding X. Complete
2024-145 We are contacting you regarding the bid Howard County Public School System_ RFP#114.24.B6
_ Senior Solutions and Business Intelligence. We were wondering if you could please share the…
2024-144 We are requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records for the Bid - Senior Solutions and Business Intelligence Architect Service #114.24.B6. Please provide us with the… Complete
2024-143 I would like to request all emails between Judith Jones and Joel Frankel between 10/7/23 and 3/13/24 Complete
2024-142 I would like to request all emails between Judith Jones and Gordon Fuller between 10/7/23 and 3/13/24. Complete
2024-141 I would like to request all emails between Judith Jones and Calvin Ball, between the dates 10/7/23 and 3/13/24 Complete
2024-140 I am requesting a digital copy (.pdf, .doc, .docx as acceptable file formats) of each negotiated agreement for certificated staff since July 1, 2000, and a spreadsheet (.csv, .xls, .xlsx as… Complete
2024-139 Respectfully requesting all emails from and to current BOE members with subject line that is inclusive of terms "superintendent search" beginning January 1, 2024. Complete
2024-138 I am requesting any document containing the number of Maryland Attorney General Public Access Ombudsman requests for mediation with HCPSS and the number completed by year for the years 2019 through… Complete
2024-137 This is a Request for public records for the contract awarded from the RFP 075.18.B5 - Solutions and Business Intelligence Architect Services which was issued back on 05/18/2018. I would like to… Complete
2024-136 Under Md. General Provisions Code Ann. Secs. 4-101 to 4-601, I am requesting the following
documents about book challenges and removals from your school district:
1. Written policies…
2024-135 I’m searching for public records on vendors that are currently providing therapy, mental health, and nursing services at Howard County Public School System. I needs a list of the hourly rates the… Complete
2024-134 In the 2/29/24 budget work session, Superintendent Barnes stated that he "collected information from Board members to assess programs and positions they would like to restore." Mr. Barnes… Complete
2024-133 I'd like to request a copy of the current contract in place between the County and CBIZ for Employee Benefits Consulting Services Complete
2024-132 We would like to file a FOIA request on the following RFP. We request all-digital, electronic copies of the proposals, responses, tabulation, awards, and other pertinent documents regarding this RFP… Complete
2024-131 The HCPSS policy manual for school years 1975-1976 through 1989-1990. Complete
2024-130 Under Md. General Provisions Code Ann. Secs. 4-101 to 4-601, I am requesting the following information about internal and external communications regarding book challenges and removals from your… Complete
2024-129 I am writing to request a non-redacted copy of the contract(s) between Zum and HCPSS. Complete
2024-128 Regarding X. Complete
2024-127 I formally request copies of any district hiring documents, board documents, or committee agendas and documents related to teacher hiring found in the list below. If dates are needed, please search… Complete
2024-126 Under the Maryland Public Information Act Title 4, I write to request access to and a copy of a listing of all Howard County Public School System employees first and last names, email address, title… Complete
2024-125 I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records for the contract- Solutions and Business Intelligence Architect Services.

Information required:
2024-124 Requesting electronic copies of the active/current contract between the school system and the vendor Zum. On review of the BoardDocs page I noticed the contract is referenced but not provided for in… Complete
2024-123 Regarding X. Complete