Submitted 2018 MPIA Requests

Tracking Number Sort ascending Request Status
2018-161 Таблица сочетания цветов ниже:жёлтый — зелёный — оранжевый;красный — оранжевый — фиолетовый;синий — зелёный — фиолетовый <a href="… Complete
2018-160 Good Morning I would like to be provided with the names of the members of the HCPSS Ethics group. I would like to know the vetting process for members of the group and if there are time/term limits… Complete
2018-159 Hi,

As most of the members are Howard county resident, I want to know the polygon numbers that each member reside in. To safeguard the identity of members, I am only requesting the…
2018-158 I would like the Facilities assessment survey completed on Hammond High school in 2010 Complete
2018-157 Please allow this message to serve as my Public Information Act request that you provide the letter that Michael Martirano signed to Gov. Hogan asking him to protect undocumented students. Complete
2018-156 Please advise the name of the firm or the person who is called the "School Planning and Demographics consultant" by the OSP in their memo linked at:… Complete
2018-155 Please provide a document clearly explanation the process, calculations, procedures used for the "Projection Methodology" defined under Item I. of Policy 6010-IP. I understand that the… Complete
2018-154 I am requesting, preferably in electronic format, copies of emails from and to the Atholton High School principal, Joann Hutchens, from May 1, 2017 to the present with search terms "special… Complete
2018-153 Community Advisory Council Agenda General Membership Meeting HCPSS Board Room B 9 May 2017 Topic: Redistricting, Atttendance Area Committees, Feasibility St NO NOTES POSTED Please post the notes… Complete
2018-152 I am requesting, preferably in electronic format, copies of documents that describe the procedures for teachers, staff, and administrators in responding to the HCPSS Parent Concern form (see link… Complete
2018-151 We are a school vendor and are seeking the elementary, middle, high, and specialty school names and principals' emails for your district. Any format is fine, but Excel is best. The DOE does have… Complete
2018-150 Please supply the updated polygon reports that project enrollment and were used to run utilization on the AAC 8/22/17 final plan. I would like the reports separated by ES, MS & HS (not the… Complete
2018-149 I would like to receive the official Area Attendance Committee Application for the year 2017. This is the 50-point application, not the Interest Statement. Complete
2018-148 Memo published by Office of School Planning on 09/08 mentions that software "has a mechanism to ensure this is the case by making small adjustments to some polygon projections as needed."… Complete
2018-147 Please provide the most up-to-date polygon table with enrollment projections from the 2017 Feasibility Study and indicate the exact date the table was updated and the actual data source (e.g Whiffer). Complete
2018-146 Can we please have this updated info. [PRINCIPALS' contact lists for the elementary, middle, and high schools public, charter, and any specialty schools.] for your schools: school name,… Complete
2018-145 On your website related to August 8, 2017 AAC meeting, there is AAC Draft Plan Assessment report. Can you provide the data used to compute the measures in the report? For example, there are measures… Complete
2018-144 I need the state level standard test result in all subjects tested for each school in the county from 2000 to 2017. This is used in the AAC draft plan assessment and I want to make sure it is correct… Complete
2018-143 The names of MPIA requesters, in conjunction with their request numbers, since the onset of the HCPSS MPIA online system. For reference please see:… Complete
2018-142 I would like to receive a copy of the current AAC map (after Aug. 22 meeting) as well as information regarding the Dunloggin survey submittals (polygons, 150,1150,4150, 219). I would like to know if… Complete
2018-141 I need the data that were used to derive the strengths and weakness of AAC Draft Plan assessment. For example, in the over all assessment, for the balanced reading test rate, what are the school by… Complete
2018-140 Please provide any assessment done to see how many students are attending schools (Elementary, Middle, and High) outside their designated school area. Further, please indicate whether any study is… Complete
2018-139 As follow up to request 2018-060, please provide the 2016-17 data which shows high school enrollment by grade level (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) by planning polygon number. The response… Complete
2018-138 I am requesting the list of nonpublic special education schools that HCPSS sends students to for the following school years; 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011--2012, 2012-2013, 2013-… Complete
2018-137 Hello I am requesting specific information regarding the program capacity multiplier for schools. It's mentioned in the 2017 feasibility study and would like to know how the multiplier works… Complete