Submitted 2018 MPIA Requests

Tracking Number Sort ascending Request Status
2018-136 Please provide a list of all new polygons that have been created in the past 5 years. For each new polygon, please provide the "parent" polygon it belonged to (before being separated) and… Complete
2018-135 I would like some materials on the following questions:

1) when and how the school polygon was created, changed and came into today's form. A survey on this would be greatly…
2018-134 Please provide the estimated bus transportation costs based on the latest AAC plan and based on the recently approved motion to have all schools start between 8 and 9:25 a.m beginning in the 2018-… Complete
2018-133 Please provide the number of students attending an HCPSS school outside their legally designated school attendance area for each school in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. Per HCPSS Policy 9000, if an… Complete
2018-132 For the latest AAC plan, please provide the Redistricted Polygon Map highlighting the redistricted polygons labelled with the Level 1, 2 or 3 redistricted similar to the redistricted map in the… Complete
2018-131 Please provide the enrollment projections (current to 5 years into the future) for all HCPSS schools for the past 10 years. Complete
2018-130 Accurate and reliable data is a crucial pre-requisite to any school redistricting effort. Decisions made based on erroneous data raises questions of staff competency, impartially and/or outright… Complete
2018-129 In the document dated 5th of November 2015 Update to BoE FS report, OSP wrote: "The Columbia West Region high school is Wilde Lake HS. The projection for this school remains (with the approved 5… Complete
2018-128 During AAC meeting on 7/11 around video time index 1:43:35, Renee Kamen said "we have done a study and we track every year how many students come out of each dwelling type". Please provide… Complete
2018-127 Please provide the DPZ Housing Units Allocation reports for the past 5 years broken down by individual developments and type of dwelling (SFD, SFA, Apt). The published DPZ reports don't show… Complete
2018-126 Please provide the site map and description of the process and decision whereby the new development SP-14-004 KINGS FOREST (CARROLL ZIEGLER) LTS 1-36, B PAR V & NB PAR S,T,U,W was assigned to… Complete
2018-125 Please provide confirmation that all OSP staff members, Community Superintendents and Superintendent, and all members of the Board of Education and anyone who is involved in the HCPSS redistricting… Complete
2018-124 I would like the attendance area planning polygon latitude/longitude data in a standard file format, e.g., Shapefile (.shp) or comma separated value (.csv). I can only find it in PDF format. Given… Complete
2018-123 I am a dunloggin community resident. I am requesting the following.
1) All communication (electronic and paper), initiated and/or received, from/by Ms. Renée Kamen, Office of School Planning…
2018-122 I am requesting to statistics that show the total number and types of crimes reported by each high school for the last 5 years. Complete
2018-121 Recently, there are many discussions about the FARM students in HCPSS. I would like to request the following information:

1) What is the household size statistics for FARM student?…
2018-120 I would like up to date FARM scores by polygon. Complete
2018-119 1) What are the FARM student rates for elementary school, middle school and high school? Do we see any correlations there?

2) What is the turn-over rate? For example, how many FARM…
2018-118 I am looking at the Blom report$file/07%2018%202017%20Legal%20Fees%20Monthly%20BR.pdf which was presented to the BOE on 18 Jul 17… Complete
2018-117 I am requesting, preferably in electronic format, a copy of any document(s) containing the State Rated Capacity of every HCPSS school. I am also requesting the most current enrollment number for… Complete
2018-116 All of AAC surveys including data and responses (requested from Dunloggin resident) Complete
2018-115 The documents that describe how does the computer system used in school redistricting work. The capabilities, shortcomings, the input factors used, the balances and trade offs between all the factors… Complete
2018-114 I am a Dunloggin resident and have considerable concerns about the feedback and recommendations we made regarding the redistricting that did not receive the committees attention or consideration.… Complete
2018-113 I am from Dunloggin. I would like to see the data and responses from ALL OF THE SURVEYS. Mention you are a DUNLOGGIN RESIDENT. I would also like to know why our AAC representative was not at the Aug… Complete
2018-112 I'm a Dunloggin Resident, and I would like to gain access to all of the responses and corresponding data for every Area Attendance Committee (AAC) Feedback Survey completed by Howard County… Complete